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Corynebacterium spp.

Corynebacterium spp. solubilizes soil manganese, enhancing plant uptake and activating plant immunity against pests and diseases. It promotes growth, root development, and improves soil aeration.


1 x 10⁸ CFU per gram / 1 x 10⁹ CFU per gram


Dosage & Application

  • Seed Coating/Seed Treatment: Prepare a mixture of 10 - 15 grams of Penicillium Citrinum in a sufficient amount of water to create a slurry. Coat 1 kg of seeds with this mixture, dry them in shade, and they will be ready to use in the field.

  • Seedling Treatment: Prepare a mixture of 100 grams of Penicillium Citrinum in a sufficient amount of water. Dip the roots of the seedlings into the solution for 30 minutes before planting.

  • Soil Treatment: Mix 2.5 - 5 kg per hectare of Penicillium Citrinum with organic manure or organic fertilizers. Incorporate this mixture into the soil at the time of planting or sowing.

  • Irrigation: Mix 2.5 - 5 kg per hectare of Penicillium Citrinum in a sufficient amount of water. Apply this mixture through drenching or drip irrigation to penetrate the root zones.

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