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Mycorrhiza Liquid

Boosts plant growth and resilience with a convenient liquid formula that supports nutrient uptake and drought resistance. Easy to apply through watering or direct soil application.


Dosage & Application

Seed Dressing

  • For 20-100 kg seed/Ha, use 50 g mycorrhizae + 100 g crude sugar.

  • Mix mycorrhizae with crude sugar and sufficient water to make a slurry. Coat the seeds with this slurry, then dry them in the shade before sowing, broadcasting, or dibbling in the field. Do not store treated/coated seeds for more than 24 hours.

Soil Application

General Soil Application (Soil Drench or Drip Irrigation)

  • 1 Acre Dose: 100 g mycorrhizae

  • 1 Ha Dose: 250 g mycorrhizae

  • Mix mycorrhizae at recommended doses with compost and apply during the early life stages of the crop along with other biofertilizers.

  • Mix mycorrhizae powder at recommended doses with sufficient water and drench the soil at the early leaf stage (2-4 leaf stage) or early crop life cycle.

  • For drip irrigation, if there are insoluble particles, filter the solution before adding it to the drip tank.

Long Duration Crops/Orchards/Perennials

  • 1 Acre Dose: 200 g mycorrhizae

  • 1 Ha Dose: 500 g mycorrhizae

  • Application Frequency: Apply twice a year. The first application should be before the onset of the main monsoon/rainfall/spring season, and the second application should be after the main monsoon/rainfall/autumn/fall season.

  • Dissolve mycorrhizae powder at recommended doses with sufficient water and apply as a drenching spray near the root zone.

Detailed Dosage and Method of Application

  • Dosage: 4 kg per acre.

  • Soil Treatment: Mix 4 kg of mycorrhizae powder with 50 kg of well-decomposed FYM (farmyard manure), compost, vermicompost, or field soil. Spread the mixture uniformly over 1 acre of land.

  • Application Frequency: Treat the soil before sowing and repeat the application 30 days after sowing.

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