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  • Micro-Manna Manufacturer & Exporter | Indogulf BioAg

    PRODUCT OVERVIEW MICRO-MANNA is a Diluent to activate MICROM , to enhance the performance of the Biofertiliser product. MICRO-MANNA contains a mixture of Photosynthetic Bacteria (Rhodopseudomonas Palustris), Lactic Acid Bacteria (Lactobacillus Casei, Lactobacillus Plantarum ) and (Saccharomyces Cerevisiae). MICRO-MANNA influences the microbial environment in a way that the constructive microorganisms become dominant. Composition All organisms are equally divided Each ml contains -1 x 108 CFU ​ Bacillus Subtilis Bifidobacterium Animalis Bifidobacterium Bifidum Bifidobacterium Longum Lactobacillus Acidophilus Lactobacillus Bulgaricus Lactobacillus Casei Lactobacillus Delbrueckii Lactobacillus Fermentum Lactobacillus Plantarum Lactobacillus Diacetylactis Lactobacillus Lactis Rhodopseudomonas Palustris Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Streptococcus Thermophilus Features & Benefits Increases disease resistance Reduces fruit drop and Increases yield Increases resistance to drought Rejuvenates older trees Enhances soil fertility and nutrient availability Reduces stress caused by environment changes Prevents early decline Mode of Action Dosage: Mix 1 Liter of Micro-manna with 100gms MICROM powder. ​ Spray Application: Add 100 gms of MICROM Powder in 1 Liter of Micro-Manna and keep overnight. Then follow the usage instructions of MICROM . ​ Application Frequency: Follow the frequency of MICROM Powder. ​ ​ Dosage and Method of Application Add 100 Gms of MICROM in 1 Ltr MICRO-MANNA and keep overnight and follow Usage instructions of MICROM . ​ ​ Recommended Crops Cereals, Millets, Pulses, Oilseeds, Fibre Crops, Sugar Crops Forage Crops, Plantation crops, Vegetables, Fruits, Spices, Flowers, Medicinal crops Aromatic Crops, Orchards, and Ornamentals. ​ ​ Shelf Life & Packaging Shelf life: Best before 24 months, Stored in room temperature. Packaging: 1 Litre bottle Producing compounds used by the bacteria to stifle the growth of competing, pathogenic microbes. This is done through the production of a variety of compounds, which a team of Canadian and Chinese researchers has narrowed down to antibiotics, antimicrobial peptides, bacteriocins metabolites, siderophores, toxins, and other microbial blends. [Read more ] Downloads Product Information Label Information Click here for Product Enquiry Related Articles Four principles for organic agriculture (1/4): Health. Organic agriculture is a different sort of business. It is, of course, still a business, where profitability and productivity matter (how... Biological pest control agent profiles: Encarsia formosa Any gardener, no matter the scale of their work, have noticed at some point the infestation of little white insects, flying frenetically... Biological pest control agent profiles: Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) As a part of the collective efforts of the agricultural industry for finding ways of dealing with microscopic agents of disease, there...

  • Blast | Rice Protect Kits | Indogulf BioAg

    BLAST Blast This fungal diseases affect the crop at all growing stage viz nursery, tillering and flowering. The disease affects the leaves, nodes and panicles of rice plant. Typical symptoms on leaves are spindle or eye-shaped spots with grey centres. Nodes of infected culms turn black and break due to rotting. Neck of the panicles also rot leading to chaffy grains or breaking of panicles. Management Avoid heavy dose of nitrogen fertilisers. Use only recommended doses. Use resistant varieties. Biological Control ​ Use our Consortium of B.subtilis and Pseudomonas Fluorscens @ 1 Kg /Acre by diluting in 200 L Water using high volume power sprayer Shelf Life & Packaging Shelf life : Best before 24 months, Stored in room temperature. Packaging : 1 Kg. each & above Click here for Product Enquiry INSECT PEST MANAGEMENT STEM BORERS ARMY WORMS RICE HISPA LEAF FOLDERS CASE WORM GUNDHI BUG PLANT HOPPER ROOT KNOT NEMATODES DISEASE MANAGEMENT BLAST BROWN SPOT BACTERIAL BLIGHT UTBATTA DISEASE SHEALTH BLIGHT

  • Multi-Bio - Biofertiliser Manufacturer & Exporter | Indogulf BioAg

    PRODUCT OVERVIEW MULTI-BIO is a double action bio-fertilizer recipe, formulated by the research team at Indogulf BioAg . It is primarily mycorrhiza based, and hence provides all the goodness to the root of the plant through mycorrhiza fungi. Additionally, multi-bio also contains all essential nutrients which the plant needs to grow healthy and strong. This double advantage which MULTI-BIO provides work together indigenously as the soil receives essential nutrients organically and the root system of the plant is enhanced due to the mycorrhiza fungi which is present in the recipe. Features & Benefits Pollution-free and eco-friendly. Fast Seed Germination, Flowering, and Maturity in Crop. Restore natural Fertility. Increase yield by 20% to 25%. Has no harmful effect on Soil Fertility and Plant growth. Provide Positive residual effect for Subsequent Crops. Powder Composition Per 100gms & Liquid Water Soluble Composition per 100 ml Mode of Action PGPR facilitates plant growth and development both directly and indirectly. Direct stimulation includes providing plants with fixed nitrogen, phytohormones, iron that has been sequestered by bacterial siderophores, and soluble phosphate, while indirect stimulation of plant growth includes preventing phytopathogens (biocontrol) and thus, promote plant growth and development. Perform these functions through specific enzymes, which provoke morphological and physiological changes in plants which enhance plant nutrient and water uptake. ​ ​ Dosage and Method of Application ​ Powder Usage Mix 40 grams MULTI-BIO powder in 500 Ltrs of water and mix in a drip irrigation system or use in a Spray for one acre of Crop. Preferably used before the use of any anti-weed, anti-fungal products. ​ ​ Liquid Usage Mix 40ml of MULTI-BIO liquid in 500 Liters of water for one acre of crop. Preferably used before the use of any anti-weed, anti-fungal products. ​ ​ Liquid Dosage Seed Treatment: Cereals – Paddy, Wheat, Maize, Barley, Oats, Millets, etc., Mix 20 ml of Multi-Bio Liquid in 500 ml of water thoroughly. With this mix 15kgs of seeds till all the seeds are uniformly coated. Dry the seeds in Shade before sowing. ​ Root Dip Treatment: Mix 40 ml of Multi-Bio Liquid in 5 Liters of water and dip the roots before planting for 1 acre. Or prepare a small bed in the field and add 40ml of Multi-Bio Liquid with water ½ inch depth. Dip the roots of the plants to be planted for 1 acre in this suspension for 8 to 12 hours before planting. ​ Main Field Application: Mix 40 ml in 20 Liters and treat soil via drip system for 1 acre of land. ​ Application Frequency: For main field application, treat the soil before sowing and once again at the flowering stage. ​ ​ Recommended Crops Cotton, Sugarcane, Rice, Tea, Coffee, Carrot, lettuce, Tomato, Pepper, Legumes, Lettuce, Carrot, Peanuts ​ ​ ​ Shelf Life & Packaging Storage: Store in a cool dry place at Room Temperature. Shelf life: 24 Months from date of manufacture. Packaging: Powder 1 Kg Pouch & 1 Litre bottle. The presence of mycorrhizal fungi is a part as vital to sustainable agricultural production as our own intestinal flora is to our nutrition. Mycorrhizal fungi, alongside beneficial bacteria, form the basis of the soil ecosystem and are the first organisms that really break down the nutrients present there into a form that is truly available for plants to use them. [Read more ] Downloads Product Information Label Information Click here for Product Enquiry Related Articles Four principles of organic agriculture (3/4): Fairness Unfairness is unsustainable, and organic agriculture aims for sustainability: it must, consequently, be fair. Even if it is not a part of... Organic agriculture significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions, according to 23 years of data. According to the most recent data on the subject, no less than a quarter of all the world’s greenhouse gas emissions come from... Could mycorrhizal fungi serve as a defense barrier against climate change? The presence of mycorrhizal fungi is a part as vital to sustainable agricultural production as our own intestinal flora is to our...

  • Bio-Manure Liquid - Leading Biofertilizer Manufacturing Company | Indogulf BioAg

    PRODUCT OVERVIEW Bio-Manure is an all-purpose organic plant feed that is suitable for use on all plants, trees, shrubs and edibles. It is a 360 degree plant food recipe which provides essential nutrients needed by the plant to grow healthier, stronger and ultimately increase output. It is a molasses based organic soil fertiliser that is designed to improve the efficiency of the crop cycle and increase agriculture yield. Features & Benefits 360 degrees plant food recipe covers each and every essential nutrient in organic form Helps cell division, cell elongation, tillering and vegetative growth Helps in stress tolerance and withstand adverse abiotic conditions Imparts better organoleptic qualities Induces better flowering and reduces flower dropping Helps better grain formation, better fruiting and yield Maintains the integrity of the soil ​ Bio-Manure is suitable for application on Cereals , Millets , Pulses, Oilseeds, Fibre Crops, Sugar Crops, Forage Crops, Plantation Crops, Vegetables, Fruits, Spices, Flowers , Medicinal Crops, Aromatic Crops, Orchards and Ornamentals. Bio Manure is a Growth Elixir Bio-Manure (Go Green) comprises of bioactive substances extracted from vermin-compost and seaweed. It provides bio-energy and bio-stimulants which crops require for healthy growth, without compromising on the integrity of the soil. Bio-Manure provides nutrients in an organic form to plants, which aids in cell division, cell elongation, tillering and vegetative growth. It imparts stress tolerance to withstand adverse abiotic conditions. It induces better flowering and reduces flower dropping and Imparts better organoleptic qualities to the fruit. It increases yield through improving grain formation and fruiting. Bio-Manure is formulated as a foliar application product. Mass Composition Mode of Action Bio-Manure consists of bioactive humic and fulvic substances of vermicompost origin. It consists of cytokinins, auxins, betaines and gibberellins that are derived from seaweed fermentation. It consists of biologically derived N,P,K and trace elements from vermi compost and seaweed which aid in better root and shoot growth and supplement the plant with essential nutrients at critical stages of crop growth. ​ Free from Salmonella, Shigella , E.Coli ​ Bio-Manure is compatible with Fertilizers Pesticides Fungicides Dosage and method of Application Dosage : 5 Liters / Acre. ​ Drip system : Take 5 liters of Bio-Manure and mix thoroughly in 200 liters water and apply via drip irrigation system to a planting area of 1 Acre. ​ Drenching System : Mix the Bio-Manure to the main source of water for irrigating the planting area. First moist the soil using normal water for up to 10 minutes and then apply the water mixed with Bio-Manure. ​ Application Frequency : Once at planting and again at flowering stage. ​ ​ Shelf Life & Packaging Shelf life: Best before 24 months, Stored in room temperature. Packaging: 1 Litre bottle ​ To know more about organic fertilizers visit soil fertilizers . In a large enough field, the Austrian winter peas could reasonably satisfy the grower’s demands for fresh leafy greens while leaving more than enough to be returned to the soil as bio-manure (a good rule of thumb is to eat as much as 1/3 of the leaves of any cover crop, but not more). [Read more ] Downloads Product Information Label Information Click here for Product Enquiry Related Articles Let’s take a moment to appreciate the importance of soil inoculants for an organic future It’s no secret that conventionally-cultivated soils tend to become, by themselves, poor. They’re often managed under exploitative... The end of green deserts? Organic agriculture boosts biodiversity by 30%, studies find. Everywhere around the world, but more so in the developing countries, vast deserts spring up from the ground and begin to cover formerly... A look at the case of Sikkim, the world’s first fully organic state In the struggle to transition to a greener, healthier world, every single victory is a victory for the planet as a whole. Efforts of... 1 2

  • Leaf Folders | Rice Protect Kits | Indogulf BioAg

    LEAF FOLDERS Leaf Folders The adult moths are brownish orange in colour 8-10 mm long with a wing span of 12-20mm. The larva infests the leaves, roll them longitudinally, live inside and feed on the green matter. Management Remove grasses and weeds from the nearby field which are alternate host of the pest. Biological Control ​ Our ALLPROTEC(i) 0.03% @ 250-400g /Acre by diluting in 200 L Water using high volume power sprayer. Shelf Life & Packaging Shelf life : Best before 24 months, Stored in room temperature. Packaging : 1 Kg. & above Click here for Product Enquiry INSECT PEST MANAGEMENT STEM BORERS ARMY WORMS RICE HISPA LEAF FOLDERS CASE WORM GUNDHI BUG PLANT HOPPER ROOT KNOT NEMATODES DISEASE MANAGEMENT BLAST BROWN SPOT BACTERIAL BLIGHT UTBATTA DISEASE SHEALTH BLIGHT

  • Rhizobium Japonicum| Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria Manufacturer & Supplier

    RHIZOBIUM JAPONICUM Rhizobium Japonicum is a biological fertilizer that contains beneficial bacteria - Bradyrhizobium japonicum also known as Rhizobium japonicum. They have the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen that can be utilized by the plant in the form of Ammonia. This product is highly recommended for those soils with nitrogen deficiency. Potency : Rhizobium Japonicum 5 x 10^7CFU per g Benefits : Promote high percentage germination rate Enhance root development and plant growth Improve plant yield and quality Reduce the risk of plant disease and stress Earthworm friendly, not hazardous to human health or the environment Dosage & Methods of Application Seed Coating/Seed Treatment : 1 kg of seeds will be coated with a slurry mixture of 10 g. of Rhizobium Japonicum and 10 g. of crude sugar in sufficient water. The coated seeds will then be dried in shade and sow or broadcast in the field. ​ Seedling Treatment : Dipped the seedlings into the mixture of 100grams Rhizobium Japonicum and sufficient amount of water. ​ Soil Treatment : Mix 3- 5kg per acre of Rhizobium Japonicum with organic manure/organic fertilizers. Incorporate the mixture and spread into the field on the time of planting/sowing. ​ Irrigation : Mix 3kg per acre of Rhizobium Japonicum in a sufficient amount of water and run into the drip lines. ​ Recommended Crops : Cereals , Millets , Pulses, Oilseeds, Fibre Crops, Sugar Crops , Forage Crops , Plantation crops ,Vegetables, Fruits, Spices , Flowers , Medicinal crops , Aromatic Crops , Orchards and Ornamentals. ​ Compatibility : Compatible with Bio Pesticides, Bio Fertilizers and Plant growth hormones but not with chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides ​ Shelf Life : Stable within 1 year from the date of manufacturing ​ Packing : We offer a tailor made packaging as per customers requirements. Click here for Product Enquiry

  • Nano Chito Fertilizers | Manufacturer & Exporter | Indogulf BioAg

    Nano Chito Fertilizer Recommended for Trees Flowers, Vegetables & Fruits Nano Chito Fertilizers is a product that was extracted from the shells of crustacean species such as shrimp, crabs and lobster. It has the ability to chelate minerals and other nutrients to make them easily available for plant uptake. This product can be used for both aquaculture and agricultural applications. Benefits and Functions in Agriculture Exhibits antifungal activity against Alternaria alternata, Rhizopus oryzae, Aspergillus niger, Phomopsis asparagus, and Rhizopus stolonifera Reduced disease incidence caused fungus and bacterial pathogen Functions as plant growth promoter and improve the development and quality of flowers and fruit Improve preservation and maintain the quality of fruit and vegetable during postharvest storage Accelerate seed germination and rapid plant development Benefits and Functions in Aquaculture Possess antibacterial and antioxidant properties in marine culture Increase the survival rate, growth performance and meat quality of brackish water pond species Significantly improved in weight of cultured fish in the brackish water ponds Prevent the outbreak of fish and shrimp diseases Reduce and eliminate pest’s population found in the brackish water pond Composition/Technical Specifications Dosage and method of Application As Natural Fungicide Seed Soaking : Dilute 2.4ml of Nano Chito in 2 litres of water and coat every 1 kg of vegetable seeds Seed Dressing : 75-150ml diluted with 10 L water for 100kg for field seed Root Dipping : Diluted 10 - 20 ml of Nano Chito in 1 litre of water and dip the roots prior to planting ​ As Foliar Fertilizer Preventive : Use 1 litre of Nano Chito per acre and apply every 1-2 rounds with one week gap between sprays. Curative : Use 1.5 litre of Nano Chito per acre and apply every 2-3 rounds with one week gap between sprays. ​ Postharvest of Fruits and Vegetables Use 0.5 - 1 litre of Nano Chito and dilute in 1 - 2 litres of water and pray the solution in a 100kg of fruits and vegetables. If soaking is preferred dilute the product in the same ration and soak for 45 minutes. ​ In Aquaculture Use 1 litre per acre in pond water ​ Recommended Crops: Cereals, grasses, Mango, Paddy, Sugarcane, Arrowroot, Avocado, Banana, Coconut, Pineapple, Squash, Tomato, Sunflower, Green house crops, Bean and Cucumber. ​ Compatibility Compatible with chemical fertilisers and chemical pesticides. ​ ​ Shelf Life & Packaging Shelf life : Best before 24 months, Stored in room temperature. Packaging : 5 Ltx2/Corrugated Cardboard Box. ​ For more biofertilizers visit Nano fertilizers Downloads Product Information Click here for Product Enquiry

  • Nano Pufa Fertilizers | Manufacturer & Exporter | Indogulf BioAg

    Nano Pufa Fertilizers Recommended to be used for all crops Nano Pufa Fertilizers are ubiquitous in plants, serving many important functions, including storage of metabolic energy, protection against dehydration and pathogens, the carrying of electrons, and the absorption of light. Nano Pufa also contributes to the structure of membranes. Nano Pufa is based on nano Polyunsaturated fatty acid particles (Derived from Flax Seed Oil) encapsulated by a chitosan-based biopolymer, embedded in amino acid, and suspended in water. Nano PUFA has a particle size of less than 100 nanometers. Nano PUFA contains lipids which are an important source of metabolic energy and provide the plant with bio-available essential Polyunsaturated fatty acids. Benefits Economical Assists in enhancing quantity and quality of yield. Ensures better shelf life of the produce. Environment friendly Free from antibiotics, pesticides, insecticides, harsh chemicals, hormones Assists in improving robustness of the crops Assists in instilling better profile of pufa in the yield Assists in intensifying taste of the yield Bio safe Totally organic Composition/Technical Specifications Dosage and method of Application In seed treatments : 10-15 ml/Kg Seed ​ In Seasonal Crops : First time 15 days before flowering until the harvest @ 3-5 ml/L water in drip/sprinkle/ soil drench, and there after two more applications after flowering with a frequency of about a week. ​ In the case of Coconut trees : 10 ml/ tree once in 30 days ​ ​ Compatibility Compatible with chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides. ​ ​ Shelf Life & Packaging Shelf life : Best before 24 months, Stored in room temperature. Packaging : 5 Ltx2/Corrugated Cardboard Box ​ For more biofertilizers visit Nano fertilizers Downloads Product Information Click here for Product Enquiry

  • Fermacto - Biofertilizer Manufacturer & Exporter | Indogulf BioAg

    PRODUCT OVERVIEW FERMACTO is a Bio fertiliser based on a selective strain of Nitrogen and Phosphorus fixing beneficial bacteria with essential nutrients. This product is available in Liquid formulation. Helps in production of superior crops by providing balanced nutrition in available form. Contents Essential nutrients and Nitrogen / Phosphorus fixing Bacteria Features & Benefits Reduces Disease causing Organisms and increases beneficial Microbes Increases mineral and water uptake by providing growth promoting hormones such as IAA and GA Mode of Action It consists of bioactive humic and fulvic substances of vermicompost origin. It consists of cytokinins, auxins, betaines and gibberellins that are derived from seaweed fermentation. It consists of biologically derived N,P,K and trace elements from vermi compost and seaweed which aid in better root and shoot growth and supplement the plant with essential nutrients at critical stages of crop growth. ​ ​ Dosage and method of Application Dosage: Mix 10ml of FERMACTO with 10L of water. ​ Foliar and Soil Spray : Dilute the Fermacto Liquid Bio-fertiliser with water, shake or stir gently (for better result, leave it for an hour) and then spray over the leaves and soil surface (the best is at the radicle areas of your plants). Volume of fertilized water will vary with size of crop canopy. ​ Note for first Spray : After mixing up with water, the fertilized water volume must be equivalent to the volume of traditional solid fertiliser. For better effects users are recommended to loosen the soil prior to application & it is encouraged to re-loosen again a couple of months later. ​ Application : Treat soil once before sowing. ​ ​ Shelf Life & Packaging Storage : Store in a cool dry place at Room Temperature. Shelf life : 24 Months from date of manufacture. Packaging : 1 Litre bottle. One of the beautiful aspects of organic agriculture (and regenerative agriculture in particular) is that it’s not magic: it’s a comprehensive, widely different approach to growing food that’s based on the central pillar of organic fertilization. [Read more ] Downloads Product Information Label Information Click here for Product Enquiry Related Articles Understanding the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio (C:N) One of the beautiful aspects of organic agriculture (and regenerative agriculture in particular) is that it’s not magic: it’s a... How beneficial bacteria help legumes fix nitrogen into the soil Ever wondered why every organic gardener tells you that you should plant leguminous plants in association with others? Or that you should...

  • Udbatta Disease | Rice Protect Kits | Indogulf BioAg

    UTBATT DISEASE Utbatt Disease It is a fungal and seed borne disease. It is a serious disease since it causes 100% sterility to the panicles. The fungus attacks the panicles resulting in sticking together of the ash coloured spikelets so that no grains formation can take place. Infected plants are shorter in heights and thus escape attention. Management Avoid heavy nitrogen dose. Use disease free seed. Chemical control. Treat the seed with Carbendazin @ 1gm/Kg of seed before planting. Biological Control ​ Use our Consortium of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, B.subtilis and Pseudomonas Fluorscens @ 1.5 Kg /Acre by diluting in 200 L Water using high volume power sprayer. Shelf Life & Packaging Shelf life : Best before 24 months, Stored in room temperature. Packaging : 1 Kg. each & above Click here for Product Enquiry INSECT PEST MANAGEMENT STEM BORERS ARMY WORMS RICE HISPA LEAF FOLDERS CASE WORM GUNDHI BUG PLANT HOPPER ROOT KNOT NEMATODES DISEASE MANAGEMENT BLAST BROWN SPOT BACTERIAL BLIGHT UTBATTA DISEASE SHEALTH BLIGHT

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