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  • Beijerinckia Indica Biofertilizer - Suppliers & Manufacturers

    BEIJERINCKIA INDICA Beijerinckia Indica is a biofertilizer that contains living microorganism particularly a selected bacterial strains - Beijerinckia indica,They have the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen that can be utilized by the plant in the form of Ammonia. This product is highly recommended for those soils with nitrogen deficiency. You can also pass through a variety of microbial strains that help your crops grow healthily. Potency : Beijerinckia Indica 5 x 10^7 CFU per g Benefits : Helps improve yield and nutrient absorption of the plants, not hazardous to human health or the environment & growth of plants. Dosage & Methods of Application Seed Coating/Seed Treatment : 1 kg of seeds will be coated with a slurry mixture of 10 g. of Beijerinckia Indica and 10 g. of crude sugar in sufficient water. The coated seeds will then be dried in shade and sow or broadcast in the field. ​ Seedling Treatment : Dipped the seedlings into the mixture of 100grams Beijerinckia Indica and sufficient amount of water. ​ Soil Treatment : Mix 3- 5kg per acre of Beijerinckia Indica with organic manure/organic fertilizers. Incorporate the mixture and spread into the field on the time of planting/sowing. ​ Irrigation : Mix 3kg per acre of Beijerinckia Indica in a sufficient amount of water and run into the drip lines. ​ Recommended Crops : Cereals , Millets , Pulses, Oilseeds, Fibre Crops, Sugar Crops , Forage Crops , Plantation crops ,Vegetables, Fruits, Spices , Flowers , Medicinal crops , Aromatic Crops , Orchards and Ornamentals. ​ Compatibility : Compatible with Bio Pesticides, Bio Fertilizers and Plant growth hormones but not with chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides ​ Shelf Life : Stable within 1 year from the date of manufacturing ​ Packing : We offer a tailor made packaging as per customers requirements. Click here for Product Enquiry

  • Gundhi Bug | Rice Protect Kits | Indogulf BioAg

    GUNDHI BUG Gundhi Bug It is a major problem in upland as well as in lowland where paddy is grown continuously. The adult is about 15mm long, slender and brownish green in colour, which emits an offensive odour. Both nymphs and adults suck the sap from the developing grains by which grains becomes empty (chaffy), lower in quality and break during milling. Management Use pheromone traps. Biological Control ​ Our ALLPROTEC(i) 0.03% @ 250-400g /Acre by diluting in 200 L Water using high volume power sprayer. Shelf Life & Packaging Shelf life : Best before 24 months, Stored in room temperature. Packaging : 1 Kg. & above Click here for Product Enquiry INSECT PEST MANAGEMENT STEM BORERS ARMY WORMS RICE HISPA LEAF FOLDERS CASE WORM GUNDHI BUG PLANT HOPPER ROOT KNOT NEMATODES DISEASE MANAGEMENT BLAST BROWN SPOT BACTERIAL BLIGHT UTBATTA DISEASE SHEALTH BLIGHT

  • Stem Borers | Rice Protect Kits | Indogulf BioAg

    STEM BORERS Stem Borers There are different types of stem borers. Caterpillars that bore into stem cause the damage and feed internally causing the death of central shoot known as “Dead Heart”. Affected plants produce white chaffy earhead at flowering stage. Just after hatching larvae migrates between the leaf sheaths where they are protected from natural enemies and insecticidal sprays. Management Plough and destroy the stubbles after harvest, collect and destroy egg masses in nursery plants. Clip off the leaf tips and burn to kill eggs or larvae preventing them from carrying into the main field. Biological Control ​ Our STEMPROTEC @ 200 ml/Acre by diluting in 200 L Water using high volume power sprayer Shelf Life & Packaging Shelf life : Best before 24 months, Stored in room temperature. Packaging : 1 Liter Bottle & above Click here for Product Enquiry INSECT PEST MANAGEMENT STEM BORERS ARMY WORMS RICE HISPA LEAF FOLDERS CASE WORM GUNDHI BUG PLANT HOPPER ROOT KNOT NEMATODES DISEASE MANAGEMENT BLAST BROWN SPOT BACTERIAL BLIGHT UTBATTA DISEASE SHEALTH BLIGHT

  • Azospirillum Brasilense Plant Growth Bacteria Manufacturer & Supplier

    AZOSPIRILLUM BRASILENSE Azospirillum Brasilense is a plant growth-promoting bacteria that fixes nitrogen and converts it to a form wherein the plant can use efficiently. A biofertilizer that is based on a selected strain of naturally occurring diazotrophic bacteria - Azospirillum Brasilense. This product is highly recommended for those soils with nitrogen deficiency. You can find a wide range of Microbial Strains which is no doubt vital for any soil. Potency : Azospirillum Brasilense 5 x 10^7 CFU per g Benefits : Azospirillum Brasilense improve plant growth, enhances protein percentage of grains and fruits, help improve a healthier and more vigorous plants, help the plant to achieve a greater tolerance against environmental stress, not hazardous to human health or the environment Dosage & Methods of Application Seed Coating/Seed Treatment : 1 kg of seeds will be coated with a slurry mixture of 10 g. of Azospirillum Brasilense and 10 g. of crude sugar in sufficient water. The coated seeds will then be dried in shade and sow or broadcast in the field. ​ Seedling Treatment : Dipped the seedlings into the mixture of 100grams Azospirillum Brasilense and sufficient amount of water. ​ Soil Treatment : Mix 3- 5kg per acre of Azospirillum Brasilense with organic manure/organic fertilizers. Incorporate the mixture and spread into the field on the time of planting/sowing. ​ Irrigation : Mix 3kg per acre of Azospirillum Brasilense in a sufficient amount of water and run into the drip lines. ​ Recommended Crops : Cereals , Millets , Pulses, Oilseeds, Fibre Crops, Sugar Crops , Forage Crops , Plantation crops ,Vegetables, Fruits, Spices , Flowers , Medicinal crops , Aromatic Crops , Orchards and Ornamentals. ​ Compatibility : Compatible with Bio Pesticides, Bio Fertilizers and Plant growth hormones but not with chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides ​ Shelf Life : Stable within 1 year from the date of manufacturing ​ Packing : We offer a tailor made packaging as per customers requirements. Click here for Product Enquiry

  • Dates Pro | Organic Dates Fertilizer - Trusted Manufacturer | Indogulf BioAg

    PRODUCT OVERVIEW DATES PRO is an organic growth elixir that we have prepared for crop cultivation. An organic alternative to Urea, DATES PRO is a 360 degree plant food recipe which will provide each and every essential nutrient which the plants need to grow healthier, stronger and ultimately increase output. Features 360 degrees plant food recipe covers each and every essential nutrient in organic form Helps cell division, cell elongation, tillering and vegetative growth Helps in stress tolerance and withstand adverse abiotic conditions Imparts better organoleptic qualities Induces better flowering and reduces flower dropping Helps better grain formation, better fruiting and yield Maintains the integrity of the soil Mode of Action ​ DATES PRO consists of bioactive humic and fulvic substances of vermicompost origin. It consists of cytokinins, auxins, betaines and gibberellins that are derived from seaweed fermentation. It consists of biologically derived N,P,K and trace elements from vermi compost and seaweed which aid in better root and shoot growth and supplement the plant with essential nutrients at critical stages of crop growth. Free from Salmonella, Shigella , E.Coli. ​ DATES PRO is compatible with fertilisers Pesticides Fungicides Dosage and method of application ​ Drip system : Take 12 liters of DATE PRO and mix thoroughly with plain water and apply drip area planting 1 hectare. Apply once at planting and again at flowering stage. ​ Drenching System : Apply DATE PRO dropwise to the main source of water for planting. Let normal water up to 10 minutes and then start the soaked DATE PRO. ​ Dosage : 12 Liters / Hectare Apply once at planting time or another flowering stage. Shelf Life & Packaging Shelf life : Best before 24 months, Stored in room temperature. Packaging : 1 Liter Bottle. All cover crops should be cut down and used before they get to make seeds or fruits, but after they begin to flower. Still, this doesn’t mean that they can’t feed you as well, or that you can’t get at least a bite out of them in the process. [Read more ] Downloads Product Information Label Information Click here for Product Enquiry Related Articles Organic fertilizers lend a hand in the fight against overfertilization Even though it sounds like everything but a problem for many farmers and gardeners who have to face the increasing nutrient depletion of... An introduction to the main techniques of biological pest control Every year, millions of gallons of synthetic pesticides are applied to crops worldwide, with a well-known negative effect on the quality... Five edible cover crops that provide food while building the soil The advantages of using cover crops to protect the soil and produce green manure are known to be many: nutrient scavenging in poor soils,...

  • Nano Pot (K) fertilizers | Manufacturer & Exporter | Indogulf BioAg

    Nano Pot (K) Fertilizers Recommended to be used for all crops This is Nano Potassium Nitrate fertilizers which improve photosynthetic activities that result in increased synthesis of carbohydrates, fats, and protein. ​ Nano pot is a customized liquid potassium nutrient premix containing particulates of ionized potassium embedded in a colloidal amino acid matrix; along with phytase and phosphase enzymes for use in agricultural fertilization programs and animal feed supplementation. Benefits Enhance root growth and development and improves drought tolerance Decreases the intensity of chlorosis Increases protein content in plants Enhance plant cell enlargement Improves color of fruits and flowers. Enhance the growth of young (meristematic) tissues Improve the sugar content of crops such as fruits, carrots and sweet potatoes. Improves the water utilization efficiency of the plant in general. Composition/Technical Specifications Every 1 litre gives 32.82g of Potassium, 11.757g of Nitrogen equivalent about 1.6kg of Potassium chloride and 1837.25g of Crude Protein. Dosage and method of Application Foliar Spray : 500ml/Acre once in 10-15 days ​ ​ Compatibility Compatible with chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides. ​ ​ Shelf Life & Packaging Shelf life : Best before 24 months, Stored in room temperature. Packaging : 5 Ltx2/Corrugated Cardboard Box Symptoms of Potassium Deficiency Brown scorching and curling of leaf tips as well as chlorosis (yellowing) between leaf veins Appearance of purple spots on the undersides of the leaf Reduction on plant growth, root development Delay in seed and fruit development of the plant ​ For more bio fertilizers visit Nano fertilizers ​ Downloads Product Information Click here for Product Enquiry

  • Mycorrhiza Fungi Powder | Trusted Manufacturer and Global Exporter

    MYCORRHIZA POWDER MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI (VESICULAR ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAE) Mycorrhizal fungi powder forms symbiotic relationships with plants at the root level. These fungi enshroud and, in some cases, penetrate the structure of plant roots to form an intimate connection that facilitates a 2-way nutrient exchange. The mycelium of mycorrhizal fungi powder essentially extends the roots system of their associated plants to help the plants easily draw in nutrients, minerals, and water from afar. In return, the mycorrhizal plant provides the fungus with photosynthesized sugars. Benefits of mycorrhiza fungi powder Improve plant root growth and development Increase the uptake and mobilization of phosphate in all crops Increase and facilitate nutrient and translocation from the soil and root cuticle parenchyma to Xylem, Phloem, elements like nitrogen, potassium, iron, manganese, magnesium, copper, zinc, boron, Sulphur, and molybdenum Effective in overcoming the stress condition like drought, disease incidence, and deficiency of the crop Enhance product quality and increase the immune power of the crop Mycorrhiza supplements root hair in water absorption hence preventing reduction in crop relative water content of cells and helps to overcome drought. Extension of Corn Root Surface Area through Mycorrhizal Fungi ​Mycorrhizal organisms (fungi) shape relationship with the underlying foundations of plants, for example, with the corn developing in this outline. The growths associate with the root hairs of the corn and expand their hyphae through the soil, along these lines “broadening” the root surface territory of the plant. This gives a chance to exchange carbon and supplements with the organisms while additionally expanding the dependability of the soil and the dampness maintenance in the soil. Mycorrhiza Application methods The following table gives details on Application methods and doses for the different formulations Seed Dressing Mix Mycorrhiza with crude sugar insufficient water to make a slurry and coat seeds and dry in shade and sow/broadcast/dibble in the field. Do not store treated/coated seeds for more than 24 hrs. ​ Soil Application Mycorrhiza Fungi can be used as under: Mix at recommended doses with compost and apply at the early life stages of the crop along with other biofertilizers Mix Mycorrhiza powder at recommended doses of insufficient water and drench soil at early leaf stage/ 2-4 leaf stage / early crop life cycle Drip Irrigation: If there are insoluble particles, filter the solution and add it to the drip tank. Long duration crops / Perennial / Orchard crops: Dissolve Mycorrhiza powder at recommended doses of insufficient water and apply as a drenching spray near the root zone twice a year. It is recommended to have the first application before the onset of the main monsoon/rainfall/ spring season and the second application after the main monsoon/rainfall/autumn/ fall season. Dosage and method of Application ​ Dosage : 4kgs per acre. ​ Soil Treatment : Mix 4kgs of Mycorrhiza powder in 50 Kgs of well decomposed fym, compost, vermi-compost or field soil. Spread the mixture uniformly in 1 acre of land. ​ Application Frequency : Treat the soil before sowing and repeat 30 days after sowing. ​ ​ Shelf Life & Packaging Shelf life : Best before 24 months, Stored in room temperature. Packaging : 1 Kg. Pouch. The presence of mycorrhizal fungi is a part as vital to sustainable agricultural production as our own intestinal flora is to our nutrition. Mycorrhizal fungi, alongside beneficial bacteria, form the basis of the soil ecosystem and are the first organisms that really break down the nutrients present there into a form that is truly available for plants to use them. [Read more ] Downloads Product Information Label Information Click here for Product Enquiry Related Articles Saccharomyces Cerevisiae for Plants: An In-Depth Guide In the vast world of agriculture and horticulture, the quest for sustainable and effective plant growth enhancers is never-ending. One... Exploring the Potential of Bacillus Coagulans in Sustainable Agriculture: Uses, Benefits, and Key Considerations As agricultural practices evolve, farmers and gardeners are increasingly turning to sustainable solutions to boost crop yields and... Bacillus Species as Bioinoculants: Advancing Plant Growth and Stress Tolerance Mechanisms Agriculture has been the backbone of human civilization for centuries, and with the growing global population, the need for sustainable...

  • Rice Hispa | Rice Protect Kits | Indogulf BioAg

    RICE HISPA Rice Hispa The insect has attained the status of major pest in bordering areas of Assam and Bangladesh . Both adults and grubs do damage. The adults are small blue green beetle with spines all over the body. The grubs enter and mine the leaf between the epidermal layers creating irregular translucent patches. The adults scrap the upper surface of the leaf blade leaving only the lower epidermis. The damaged plant parts appear as white streaks parallel to the mid ribs. Management Check up at the nursery stage, clip affected leaves to prevent carry over grub population. Remove weeds from the nearby fields, which serve as alternate host of the pest. Chemical Control Dip the seedlings in Chlorpyriphos (0.02 %) for 30 minutes before transplanting. Apply Carbofuran 3G @ 20-25 kg per hectare at 20 to 40 days after transplanting. If the pest appear spray the crop with the same chemicals as per spray schedule under stem borers. ​ Biological Control ​ Our RICEPROTEC 0.03% 300 ppm @ 2 L /Acre by diluting in 200 L Water using high volume power sprayer. Shelf Life & Packaging Shelf life : Best before 24 months, Stored in room temperature. Packaging : 1 Liter Bottle & above Click here for Product Enquiry INSECT PEST MANAGEMENT STEM BORERS ARMY WORMS RICE HISPA LEAF FOLDERS CASE WORM GUNDHI BUG PLANT HOPPER ROOT KNOT NEMATODES DISEASE MANAGEMENT BLAST BROWN SPOT BACTERIAL BLIGHT UTBATTA DISEASE SHEALTH BLIGHT

  • Case Worm | Rice Protect Kits | Indogulf BioAg

    CASE WORM Case Worm Adults are 6mm long with wing span of 15mm. Slender green coloured caterpillars cut leaf blades into length of about ½” out of which they make tubular cases with which they feed. Several tubes are seen hanging from the plants. The caterpillars often drop suddenly on the surface of water and paddle along till it reaches another plants. During heavy damage, leaves are skeletonised and appear whitish in colour. Management Drain water from the field to flush out the insects and tubular cases floating in the field. Biological Control ​ Spray 100 ml OILPROTEC per acre into stagnated water. Shelf Life & Packaging Shelf life : Best before 24 months, Stored in room temperature. Packaging : 1 Liter Bottle & above Click here for Product Enquiry INSECT PEST MANAGEMENT STEM BORERS ARMY WORMS RICE HISPA LEAF FOLDERS CASE WORM GUNDHI BUG PLANT HOPPER ROOT KNOT NEMATODES DISEASE MANAGEMENT BLAST BROWN SPOT BACTERIAL BLIGHT UTBATTA DISEASE SHEALTH BLIGHT

  • Nano Phosphorus Fertilizer | Manufacturer & Exporter | Indogulf BioAg

    Nano Phosphorus (P) Fertilizers Recommended to be used for all crops Nano Phosphorus fertilizer is a customized liquid phosphorus nutrient premix containing particulates of ionized phosphorus embedded in a colloidal amino acid matrix; along with phytase and phosphate enzymes for use in agricultural fertilization programs and animal feed supplementation. Benefits Increase water absorption and lipid solubility of the mineral nutrient Non-toxic to the plants Rebuilds tired nutrition through re-mineralization High solubility and bioavailability Improved plant health and increases the level of energy, water and nutrient holding capacity Nano Technology will help making P in small quantities to replace of bags of P Fertilize Responsible in capturing and converting the sun's energy into useful plant compounds Stimulates root development necessary for the plant to get nutrients from the soil Responsible for crop maturity at the right time. Plants that lack phosphorous take time to mature and when they do, the fruits or seeds they bear are few and poor in quality. Helps to prevent and to fix phosphorus deficiency in the cultivated crops Helps reduces the intensity of chlorosis, withering in patches, formation of abnormal leaves, increases crop tolerance to diseases and boost growth Composition/Technical Specifications Dosage and method of Application 8 – 16 ml per liter of water for spraying, sprinkler or drip, to be applied during before sowing when the crop is 1 – 2 weeks old one week before flowering 1 – 2 weeks before harvest ​ ​ Compatibility Compatible with chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides except for Calcium Ammonium Nitrate ​ ​ Shelf Life & Packaging Shelf life : Best before 24 months, Stored in room temperature. Packaging : 5 Ltx2/Corrugated Cardboard Box Symptoms of Phosphorus Deficiency Stunted plants and yield affected Older leaves are affected first and may acquire a purplish discoloration leaf tips will brown and die appear weak and maturity is delayed development of chlorosis as well as necrotic patches on the leaf margin ​ For more bio-fertilizers, visit Nano fertilizers ​ Downloads Product Information Click here for Product Enquiry

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