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  • Th-Derma - Manufacturer & Exporter in USA | Indogulf BioAg

    Indogulf BioAg - Organic Fertilizer Trichoderma Harzianum - Manufacturer & Exporter in USA TH-DERMA Bio Fungicide is a product containing Trichoderma Harzianum and Antagonistic Fungus with a spore load of 2 x 106 CFU / Gm. It is effective in controlling both seed and soil-borne pathogens, causing damping-off, root rot, and wilt diseases. The product is free from fungal contamination and has a shelf life of 12 months. Composition Trichoderma Harzianum – 2 x 106 CFU / Gm Indications Control Fungal diseases like Fruit rot caused by Botrytis spp and other fungal pathogens attacking the crops. TH-DERMA effectively controls most of the economically important fungal diseases like Fruit rot caused by Botrytis spp. Effectively controls nematodes like Root knot nematodes and Remiform. Banana, Cotton : Pathogenic Fungi, Seed borne Diseases Cabbage, Chillies, Marigold, Paddy : Collar Rot, Damping off, Pathogenic Fungi, Root Rot, Wilt Cauliflower : Collar Rot, Damping off, Root Rot, Wilt Citrus, Grapes, Ginger, Groundnut, Ornamental Flowers, Pepper, Pomegranate, Tea, Tomato, Turmeric : Pathogenic Fungi Jawar, Okra, Sunflower, Pulses Wheat : Seed Borne Diseases Mode of Action Trichoderma Harzianum suppresses the growth of the pathogen population in the rhizosphere through competition and thus reduces disease development. It produces antibiotics and toxins which have a direct effect on other organisms. The antagonist (Trichoderma) hyphae either grow along the host hyphae or coil around it and secrete different lytic enzymes such as chitinase, glucanase, and pectinase that are involved in the process of mycoparasitism. Trichoderma harzianum produces toxins that have a nematicidal property and are thus used as an effective nematicide and Boost germination rate. Increase in shoot & Root length Solubilizing various insoluble forms of Phosphates Augment Nitrogen-fixing. Dosage and method of Application Foliar application : Mix 10gms of TH-DERMA powder in adequate quantity of water and use it for foliar spray. Spray volume depends on crop canopy. ​ Soil application : Mix 50 Kgs of TH-DERMA powder with sufficient quantity of organic fertiliser and apply to the root zone of the plants in 1 acre of land. ​ Root dipping for Nursery application : Mix 10gms of TH-DERMA with 1 Liter of water and use to dip roots of the plants overnight. ​ ​ Shelf Life & Packaging Shelf life : Best before 24 months, Stored in room temperature. Packaging : 1 Kg. Pouch. Trichoderma fungi are an efficient, cost-effective, and selective means for the biological control of fungal diseases, bacterial diseases, and even nematodes, as through their own growth they outcompete, parasite, and create resistance in plants against damaging pathogens. [Read more ] Downloads Product Information Label Information Click here for Product Enquiry Related Articles Biological pest control agent profiles: Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt.) The crown jewel of biological pest control, Bacillus thuringiensis is a species of bacteria that has become one of the most frequently... Biological pest control agent profiles: Trichoderma fungi (Trichoderma spp.) Trichoderma fungi are an efficient, cost-effective, and selective means for the biological control of fungal diseases, bacterial... Biological pest control agent profiles: Ladybugs (Coccinellidae) Possibly the biological pest control agent by excellence, ladybugs have become a staple in the market of insects used to combat plagues,...

  • Army Worms | Rice Protect Kits | Indogulf BioAg

    ARMY WORMS Army Worms A full grown caterpillar is dull green in colour with four longitudinal stripes and an orange or brown head . Caterpillars feed on the leaves and in severe infestation entire seed beds and fields are destroyed and the fields appears as if it has been grazed by animals /cattles. The larvae feed voraciously in the night and hide in the soil during the day time. Management Regular survey of crop at and before maturity. Keep the field under water through proper water management. Place straw beds in the fields at several locations. Collect /destroy hiding caterpillars. Spray the Bunds with pesticides to prevent migration of pest from one plot to another Biological Control ​ Our WORMPROTEC @ 200 ml/Acre by diluting in 200 L Water using high volume power sprayer and our ANNSQUA PROTEC @ 400 ml/Acre by diluting in 200 L Water using high volume power sprayer. Shelf Life & Packaging Shelf life : Best before 24 months, Stored in room temperature. Packaging : 1 Liter Bottle & above Click here for Product Enquiry INSECT PEST MANAGEMENT STEM BORERS ARMY WORMS RICE HISPA LEAF FOLDERS CASE WORM GUNDHI BUG PLANT HOPPER ROOT KNOT NEMATODES DISEASE MANAGEMENT BLAST BROWN SPOT BACTERIAL BLIGHT UTBATTA DISEASE SHEALTH BLIGHT

  • Microm (Microorganisms) Manufacturer & Supplier | Indogulf BioAg - Global Exporter

    Microm Product - Indogulf Biotechnology Company PRODUCT OVERVIEW MICROM stands for Effective Microorganisms and is a mixture of microorganisms. ​ MICROM contains a mixture of Photosynthetic Bacteria (Rhodopseudomonas Palustris), Lactic Acid Bacteria (Lactobacillus Casei, Lactobacillus Plantarum) and (Saccharomyces Cerevisiae). ​ MICROM influences the microbial environment in a way that the constructive microorganisms become dominant. This creates an environment, in which the microorganisms play a positive role in plant growth, plant quality and soil fertility by using fermentation. Fermentative decomposition is stimulated and decomposition disappears, so that less energy is lost. ​ Soil in which constructive microorganisms dominate can produce optimal productivity levels, suppress illness and produce high quality products. Success in farming primarily depends on soil fertility. ​ MICROM promotes regenerative microorganisms in the soil. They help to convert organic materials into nutrients that are available for plants and create an environment in which the pathogenic bacteria and pests are removed from their habitat. MICROM help to significantly increase soil fertility and increase plants’ growth and resistance. This treatment provides possibilities for organic substances that were gathered during the harvest to benefit plants in the soil again. This causes a reduction in operational costs, while at the same time increasing quality and yield. ​ Real farmers grow soil, Not Crops Composition All organisms are equally divided Each ml contains -1 x 108 CFU ​ Bacillus Subtilis Bifidobacterium Animalis Bifidobacterium Bifidum Bifidobacterium Longum Lactobacillus Acidophilus Lactobacillus Bulgaricus Lactobacillus Casei Lactobacillus Delbrueckii Lactobacillus Fermentum Lactobacillus Plantarum Lactobacillus Diacetylactis Lactobacillus Lactis Rhodopseudomonas Palustris Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Streptococcus Thermophilus Dosage and method of Application Dosage with water : Mix 100 grams of Microm Powder in 1 Liter of water and utilize for 1 acre. ​ Dosage with MICRO-MANNA : Mix 100 grams of Microm Powder in 1 Liter of MICRO-MANNA liquid and utilize for 1 acre. ​ Application Frequency : Treat soil before sowing at planting stage. Spray foliar and soil at flowering stage. ​ ​ Shelf Life & Packaging Shelf life : Best before 24 months, Stored in room temperature. Packaging : 1 Kg. Pouch. As organic agriculture builds soil fertilizers , this fertile new soil is increasingly populated by a diversity of microorganisms that create a resilient balance, thus making organic agriculture a much more solid contributor to food security than inorganic agriculture. [Read more] Downloads Product Information Label Information Click here for Product Enquiry Related Articles Organic agriculture stimulates species evenness for biological pest control, study finds Organic agriculture is a fairly simple thing on its basis — only use organic fertilizers, and do not use synthetic pesticides. That is... The five principles of water-friendly land stewardship Out of all the water in the world, only 3.5% is freshwater, and around 70% of it is currently trapped in the form of permanent ice. This... The end of green deserts? Organic agriculture boosts biodiversity by 30%, studies find. Everywhere around the world, but more so in the developing countries, vast deserts spring up from the ground and begin to cover formerly...

  • Bradyrhizobium Japonicum - Manufacturer & Exporter | Indogulf BioAg

    Bradyrhizobium Japonicum - Manufacturer & Exporter RHIZOBIUM JAPONICUM Rhizobium Japonicum is a biological fertilizer that contains beneficial bacteria - Bradyrhizobium japonicum also known as Rhizobium japonicum . They have the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen that can be utilized by the plant in the form of Ammonia. This product is highly recommended for those soils with nitrogen deficiency. Potency : Rhizobium Japonicum 5 x 10^7CFU per g Benefits : Promote high percentage germination rate Enhance root development and plant growth Improve plant yield and quality Reduce the risk of plant disease and stress Earthworm friendly, not hazardous to human health or the environment Dosage & Methods of Application Seed Coating/Seed Treatment : 1 kg of seeds will be coated with a slurry mixture of 10 g. of Rhizobium Japonicum and 10 g. of crude sugar in sufficient water. The coated seeds will then be dried in shade and sow or broadcast in the field. ​ Seedling Treatment : Dipped the seedlings into the mixture of 100grams Rhizobium Japonicum and sufficient amount of water. ​ Soil Treatment : Mix 3- 5kg per acre of Rhizobium Japonicum with organic manure/organic fertilizers. Incorporate the mixture and spread into the field on the time of planting/sowing. ​ Irrigation : Mix 3kg per acre of Rhizobium Japonicum in a sufficient amount of water and run into the drip lines. ​ Recommended Crops : Cereals , Millets , Pulses, Oilseeds, Fibre Crops, Sugar Crops , Forage Crops , Plantation crops ,Vegetables, Fruits, Spices , Flowers , Medicinal crops , Aromatic Crops , Orchards and Ornamentals. ​ Compatibility : Compatible with Bio Pesticides, Bio Fertilizers and Plant growth hormones but not with chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides ​ Shelf Life : Stable within 1 year from the date of manufacturing ​ Packing : We offer a tailor made packaging as per customers requirements. ​ Read More: Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria Click here for Product Enquiry

  • Fermogreen - Leading Biofertilizer Manufacturing Company | Indogulf BioAg

    PRODUCT OVERVIEW Fermogreen is an Bio Fertilizer produced through the natural way with plant nutrients extracted from plants itself, along with with soil bacteria. It primarily enhances aeration in the rhyzosphere (root zone) and improves soil texture. ​ An indigenous mix of essential plant nutrients extracted from plants itself, Fermogreen can improve the soil texture of the agrigated land by 3x. It enhances aeration of the soil so the roots are able to breathe, as a result build a healthier foundation for the plant to increase it’s uptake of nutrients from the soil. Contents 16 Micro and Macro essential nutrients fortified with Soil Bacteria – 3 x 109 CFU / ml Nitrosomonadales Rhizobiales Cantharellales ​ ​ ​ Features & Benefits Improves aeration in the root zone. Improves soil structure and texture Prevents flowers and fruits dropping Improves Vegetative growth Improves the quality of flower, grains, fruits, vegetables, bulbs, green leaves and latex Increase the pest and disease resistance ​ ​ ​ Mode of Action Fix nitrogen in the soil and the roots of crop and make it available to the plant. Solubilise the insoluble form of the phosphate like tricalcium, iron and aluminium phosphate into the available form. Produce hormones and anti metabolites which promote root growth. They also decompose the organic matter. When Fermogreen is applied to the seed and the soil they increase the availability of the nutrient to the plant Significantly increase the plant growth parameters viz., plant height, number of branches, number of roots, root length, shoot length, dry matter accumulation in plant organs etc. ​ ​ ​ Dosage & Method of Application Dosage: Mix 5 ml of Fermogreen in 1 Liter of water. ​ Drenching System : Mix the Fermogreen to the main source of water. Utilize 3 Liters of fertilized water volume per acre for irrigating the soil of the planting area. ​ Application Frequency : Once in 30 days. ​ Recommended Crops Cereals, Millets, Pulses, Oilseeds, Fibre Crops, Sugar Crops Forage Crops, Plantation crops, Vegetables, Fruits, Spices, Flowers, Medicinal crops Aromatic Crops, Orchards and Ornamentals. ​ Shelf Life & Packaging Storage: Store in a cool dry place at Room Temperature. Shelf life: 24 Months from date of manufacture at room temperature. Packaging : 1 Litre / 20 Litre ​ To know more about organic fertilizers visit soil fertilizers . Organic fertilizers , like farmogreen, work slowly and slowly release their nutrients through the microbial action of the myriad organisms that thrive in healthy soil. [Read more ] Downloads Product Information Label Information Click here for Product Enquiry Related Articles Four principles for organic agriculture (2/4): Ecology. Seen from the outside, agriculture may seem to be a magical process: things are planted in the soil, cared for during a season, and food... Organic fertilizers lend a hand in the fight against overfertilization Even though it sounds like everything but a problem for many farmers and gardeners who have to face the increasing nutrient depletion of... Five edible cover crops that provide food while building the soil The advantages of using cover crops to protect the soil and produce green manure are known to be many: nutrient scavenging in poor soils,...

  • Root Knot Nematodes | Rice Protect Kits | Indogulf BioAg

    ROOT KNOT NEMATODES Root Knot Nematodes The adult hopper is light to dark brown in colour measuring about 3-4mm in body length. Both nymphs and adults damage the plants by sucking the sap. During the early stage of plant growth reduces height, general vigour and infested plants turn yellow and dries up. At later stages, crop dries up in patches known as hopper burn. The pest also transmits virus disease called “Grassy Stunt” . Management Use resistant varieties. Provide staking for perching birds. Seed/ Seedlings treatment to reduce field protection. Place straw on bunds and in fields at several locations collect/destroy hiding caterpillars. Check the nursery, clip off affected leaves if infestation is noticed. Biological Control ​ Our ALLPROTEC(i) 0.03% @ 150-300g along with our B.subtilis @ 400-600g and Pseudomonas Fluorscens @ 300-500g /Acre by diluting in 200 L Water using high volume power sprayer. Shelf Life & Packaging Shelf life : Best before 24 months, Stored in room temperature. Packaging : 1 Kg. each & above Click here for Product Enquiry INSECT PEST MANAGEMENT STEM BORERS ARMY WORMS RICE HISPA LEAF FOLDERS CASE WORM GUNDHI BUG PLANT HOPPER ROOT KNOT NEMATODES DISEASE MANAGEMENT BLAST BROWN SPOT BACTERIAL BLIGHT UTBATTA DISEASE SHEALTH BLIGHT

  • Brown Spot | Rice Protect Kits | Indogulf BioAg

    BROWN SPOT Brown Spot It is a fungal disease. It produces oval dark brown spots on leaves, stems and plumes. When severe, causes heavy damage both in nursery and the field. The disease occurs mostly in deficient and poor soils and it is commonly referred to as poor man’s disease.It is a fungal disease. It produces oval dark brown spots on leaves, stems and plumes. When severe, causes heavy damage both in nursery and the field. The disease occurs mostly in deficient and poor soils and it is commonly referred to as poor man’s disease. Management Avoid heavy dose of nitrogen fertilisers. Use only recommended doses. Use resistant varieties. Biological Control ​ Use our Bacillus subtilis @ 1 Kg /Acre by diluting in 200 L Water using high volume power sprayer. Shelf Life & Packaging Shelf life : Best before 24 months, Stored in room temperature. Packaging : 1 Kg. & above Click here for Product Enquiry INSECT PEST MANAGEMENT STEM BORERS ARMY WORMS RICE HISPA LEAF FOLDERS CASE WORM GUNDHI BUG PLANT HOPPER ROOT KNOT NEMATODES DISEASE MANAGEMENT BLAST BROWN SPOT BACTERIAL BLIGHT UTBATTA DISEASE SHEALTH BLIGHT

  • Bacterial Blight | Rice Protect Kits | Indogulf BioAg

    BACTERIAL BLIGHT Bacterial Blight Bacterial disease with typical symptoms of yellow to white lesions along the margins, which may ultimately enlarge to cover the entire leaf. The infection occurs mostly during transplanting through injury to the roots and leaves. The disease spreads fast under favourable environmental conditions like incessant rains, strong winds and warm temperature. Management Use resistant varieties. Avoid excessive use of Nitrogenous fertilisers as increase Nitrogen increased the incidence of the disease due to luxuriant vegetative growth. Soak the seed 8-10 hours before planting in a solution of 1gm Streptocycline together with 10 gms Thiram for every 10 Litres of water. Biological Control ​ Use our Consortium of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and B. subtilis and B. megaterium @ 1 Kg /Acre by diluting in 200 L Water using high volume power sprayer. Shelf Life & Packaging Shelf life : Best before 24 months, Stored in room temperature. Packaging : 1 Kg. each & above Click here for Product Enquiry INSECT PEST MANAGEMENT STEM BORERS ARMY WORMS RICE HISPA LEAF FOLDERS CASE WORM GUNDHI BUG PLANT HOPPER ROOT KNOT NEMATODES DISEASE MANAGEMENT BLAST BROWN SPOT BACTERIAL BLIGHT UTBATTA DISEASE SHEALTH BLIGHT

  • Rhizobium Leguminosarum For Plant Growth (Manufacturer & Supplier)

    RHIZOBIUM LEGUMINOSARUM Rhizobium Leguminosarum is a natural inoculant that is found in the soil that were attached to the roots of the leguminous plant and fix the atmospheric nitrogen and convert it into ammonia that can be used by the plant for its growth and development. This product is highly recommended for those soils with nitrogen deficiency. Potency : Rhizobium Leguminosarum 5 x 10^7CFU per g Benefits : Helps promote plant growth , not hazardous to human health or the environment, increases nitrogen availability & uptake, improve soil health, Dosage & Methods of Application Seed Coating/Seed Treatment : 1 kg of seeds will be coated with a slurry mixture of 10 g. of Rhizobium Leguminosarum and 10 g. of crude sugar in sufficient water. The coated seeds will then be dried in shade and sow or broadcast in the field. ​ Seedling Treatment : Dipped the seedlings into the mixture of 100grams Rhizobium Leguminosarum and sufficient amount of water. ​ Soil Treatment : Mix 3- 5kg per acre of Rhizobium Leguminosarum with organic manure/organic fertilizers . Incorporate the mixture and spread into the field on the time of planting/sowing. ​ Irrigation : Mix 3kg per acre of Rhizobium Leguminosarum in a sufficient amount of water and run into the drip lines. ​ Recommended Crops : Cereals , Millets , Pulses, Oilseeds, Fibre Crops, Sugar Crops , Forage Crops , Plantation crops ,Vegetables, Fruits, Spices , Flowers , Medicinal crops , Aromatic Crops , Orchards and Ornamentals. ​ Compatibility : Compatible with Bio Pesticides, Bio Fertilizers and Plant growth hormones but not with chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides ​ Shelf Life : Stable within 1 year from the date of manufacturing ​ Packing : We offer a tailor made packaging as per customers requirements. Click here for Product Enquiry The first and most important thing to understand about all of this is that legumes themselves do not actually fixate nitrogen into the soil. What they do is offer a certain group of bacteria a space to live within their roots, thus creating a symbiotic relationship with them. [Read more ]

  • Gluconoacetobacter Diazotropicans - Manufacturer & Exporter | Indogulf BioAg

    Gluconacetobacter Diazotrophicus - Manufacturer & Exporter Gluconacetobacter Diazotrophicus Gluconacetobacter Diazotrophicus is a biological fertilizer that contains beneficial bacteria - Gluconacetobacter Diazotrophicans also known as Acetobacter diazotrophicus. They have the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen that can be utilized by the plant in the form of Ammonia. This product is highly recommended for those soils with nitrogen deficiency. Potency : Gluconacetobacter Diazotrophicus 5 x 10^7 CFU per g Benefits : Improve the soil fertility and plant growth, increases the seed germination percentage, plant vigour and yield, secretes plant growth promoting substances like indole acetic acid and gibberellic acid that helps the crop growth, not hazardous to human health or the environment Dosage & Methods of Application Seed Coating/Seed Treatment : Prepare a mixture of 2.5kg Gluconacetobacter Diazotrophicans with 200 liters water and soak the seeds in 30 minutes prior to planting Note: Do not store treated seeds for more than an hour. ​ Soil Treatment : Mix 3- 5kg per acre of Gluconacetobacter Diazotrophicus with organic manure/organic fertilizers. Incorporate the mixture and spread into the field on the time of planting/sowing. ​ Irrigation : Mix 3kg per acre of Gluconacetobacter Diazotrophicus in a sufficient amount of water and run into the drip lines. ​ Recommended Crops : Cereals , Millets , Pulses, Oilseeds, Fibre Crops, Sugar Crops , Forage Crops , Plantation crops ,Vegetables, Fruits, Spices , Flowers , Medicinal crops , Aromatic Crops , Orchards and Ornamentals. ​ Compatibility : Compatible with Bio Pesticides, Bio Fertilizers and Plant growth hormones but not with chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides ​ Shelf Life : Stable within 1 year from the date of manufacturing ​ Packing : We offer a tailor made packaging as per customers requirements. Click here for Product Enquiry

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