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  • Bacterial Blight | Disease Management | Rice Protect Kit | Crop Kits | Indogulf BioAg

    < Rice Protect Kit Disease Management | Bacterial Blight Caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, Bacterial Blight results in water-soaked lesions with yellow halos on leaves. Management includes planting resistant varieties, using copper-based bactericides, maintaining field hygiene, and adopting cultural practices. Product Enquiry Management Biological Control Additional Info Management Use resistant varieties. Avoid excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizers as increased nitrogen can increase the incidence of disease due to luxuriant vegetative growth. Soak the seeds for 8-10 hours before planting in a solution of 1 gm Streptocycline together with 10 gms Thiram for every 10 liters of water. Biological Control Use our Consortium of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, B. subtilis, and B. megaterium at 1 kg per acre, diluted in 200 L of water using a high-volume power sprayer. Additional Info Shelf Life & Packaging: Storage: Store in a cool, dry place at room temperature Shelf Life: 24 months from the date of manufacture at room temperature Packaging: 1 kg Insect Pest Management Army Worms Case Worm Gundhi Bug Leaf Folders Plant Hopper Rice Hispa Root Knot Nematodes Stem Borers Disease Management Bacterial Blight Blast Brown Spot Sheath Blight Udbatta Disease Organic agriculture stimulates species evenness for biological pest control, study finds Biological pest control agent profiles: Encarsia formosa Biological pest control agent profiles: Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt.) Biological pest control agent profiles: Trichoderma fungi (Trichoderma spp.) Resources Read all

  • Root Knot Nematodes | Insect Pest Management | Rice Protect Kit | Crop Kits | Indogulf BioAg

    < Rice Protect Kit Insect Pest Management | Root Knot Nematodes Root knot nematodes infest rice roots, causing the formation of galls that impede nutrient and water uptake. This results in stunted plant growth, yellowing of leaves, and reduced yield. Implementing soil management practices and resistant varieties are critical for managing root knot nematode infestations and maintaining crop health. Product Enquiry Management Biological Control Additional Info Management Use resistant varieties. Provide staking for perching birds. Treat seeds/seedlings to reduce field infestations. Place straw on bunds and in fields at several locations to collect/destroy hiding caterpillars. Check the nursery regularly; clip off affected leaves if infestation is noticed. Biological Control Our ALLPROTEC 0.03% at 150–300 g, along with our B. subtilis at 400–600 g and Pseudomonas fluorescens at 300–500 g per acre, diluted in 200 L of water using a high-volume power sprayer. Additional Info Shelf Life & Packaging: Storage: Store in a cool, dry place at room temperature Shelf Life: 24 months from the date of manufacture at room temperature Packaging: 1 kg Insect Pest Management Army Worms Case Worm Gundhi Bug Leaf Folders Plant Hopper Rice Hispa Root Knot Nematodes Stem Borers Disease Management Bacterial Blight Blast Brown Spot Sheath Blight Udbatta Disease Organic agriculture stimulates species evenness for biological pest control, study finds Biological pest control agent profiles: Encarsia formosa Biological pest control agent profiles: Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt.) Biological pest control agent profiles: Trichoderma fungi (Trichoderma spp.) Resources Read all

  • Plant Hopper | Insect Pest Management | Rice Protect Kit | Crop Kits | Indogulf BioAg

    < Rice Protect Kit Insect Pest Management | Plant Hopper Plant hoppers are pests that feed on rice sap, causing yellowing and wilting of leaves. They can transmit viral diseases, further exacerbating crop damage. Managing plant hopper populations through integrated pest management approaches is essential to minimize economic losses and maintain crop productivity. Product Enquiry Management Biological Control Additional Info Management Drain water from the field to flush out insects and tubular cases floating in the field. Practice clean cultivation by timely weeding to reduce pest populations. Adopt recommended spacing for planting. Biological Control Our ALLPROTEC 0.03% at 250–400 g per acre, diluted in 200 L of water using a high-volume power sprayer. Additional Info Shelf Life & Packaging: Storage: Store in a cool, dry place at room temperature Shelf Life: 24 months from the date of manufacture at room temperature Packaging: 1 kg Insect Pest Management Army Worms Case Worm Gundhi Bug Leaf Folders Plant Hopper Rice Hispa Root Knot Nematodes Stem Borers Disease Management Bacterial Blight Blast Brown Spot Sheath Blight Udbatta Disease Organic agriculture stimulates species evenness for biological pest control, study finds Biological pest control agent profiles: Encarsia formosa Biological pest control agent profiles: Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt.) Biological pest control agent profiles: Trichoderma fungi (Trichoderma spp.) Resources Read all

  • Army Worms | Insect Pest Management | Rice Protect Kit | Crop Kits | Indogulf BioAg

    < Rice Protect Kit Insect Pest Management | Army Worms Army worms (Spodoptera spp.) are notorious pests that can devastate rice crops if not managed effectively. These voracious feeders primarily target the leaves and stems of rice plants, causing extensive defoliation and potentially significant yield losses. To mitigate the damage caused by army worms and ensure optimal crop health, implementing robust insect pest management strategies is crucial. Product Enquiry Management Biological Control Additional Info Management Regular survey of crop at and before maturity. Keep the field under water through proper water management. Place straw beds in the fields at several locations. Collect and destroy hiding caterpillars. Spray the bunds with pesticides to prevent migration of pests from one plot to another. Biological Control WORMPROTEC : Apply at 200 ml per acre, diluted in 200 L of water using a high-volume power sprayer. ANNSQUA PROTEC : Apply at400 ml per acre, diluted in 200 L of water using a high-volume power sprayer. Additional Info Shelf Life & Packaging: Storage: Store in a cool, dry place at room temperature Shelf Life: 24 months from the date of manufacture at room temperature Packaging: 1 litre bottle Insect Pest Management Army Worms Case Worm Gundhi Bug Leaf Folders Plant Hopper Rice Hispa Root Knot Nematodes Stem Borers Disease Management Bacterial Blight Blast Brown Spot Sheath Blight Udbatta Disease Organic agriculture stimulates species evenness for biological pest control, study finds Biological pest control agent profiles: Encarsia formosa Biological pest control agent profiles: Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt.) Biological pest control agent profiles: Trichoderma fungi (Trichoderma spp.) Resources Read all

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