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Enzyme-based agent for decomposing tough biomass (crop residues, fruit waste), effective at low temperatures, safe for beneficial organisms, approved for organic agriculture.



Enzymax comprises of unique enzymes that decompose cellulose, lignin, protein, lipids and all other associated debris matter. The composition is proprietary.


Dosage & Application

Dose: 1-2 L per Ha depending on crop residue volume

Crops: All Crop residues, Straw

Crop residue after harvest is left in the field. Dilute recommended quantity of Enzymax in sufficient water and spray on crop residue.

Crop residue from crops such as cotton, sugarcane and banana can be pulverized and decomposed in off field sites by treating with Enzymax at a dose of 1 L / cubic metre of biomass.

Note: Do not store Enzymax solution for more than 24 hours after mixing in water.

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