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Iron Solubilizing Bacteria

Iron Solubilizing Bacteria convert insoluble forms of iron into highly soluble forms that plants can easily absorb, thereby preventing iron deficiency and significantly promoting healthy plant development.

What it is

Iron solubilizing bacteria (ISB) are specialized microorganisms that enhance the availability of iron (Fe) in the soil. Iron is an essential micronutrient for plants, involved in various physiological processes such as photosynthesis, respiration, and nitrogen fixation. However, iron in many soils exists in insoluble forms that are not readily accessible to plants. ISB convert these insoluble forms into soluble iron that plants can absorb and utilize.

Iron Solubilizing Bacteria

Our Featured Products

Explore our range of premium Iron Solubilizing Bacteria strains tailored to meet your agricultural needs, ensuring efficient iron uptake for healthy plant development.

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