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Lactobacillus plantarum

Lactobacillus plantarum is a facultative heterofermentative bacterium with diverse applications in health, agriculture, food technology, and biotechnology. Known for its probiotic properties, it enhances gut health by modulating the microbiome, strengthening the intestinal barrier, and producing antimicrobial compounds that inhibit pathogens. In food systems, it drives fermentation processes, producing lactic acid and bioactive metabolites that preserve food and enhance nutritional value, including B vitamins and antioxidants.

In agriculture, L. plantarum offers significant benefits by controlling bacterial plant diseases, enhancing seed germination and seedling growth, improving root development, and inducing plant defense mechanisms. It supports plant growth by improving nutrient availability, enriching soil microbiota, and suppressing phytopathogens through the production of organic acids and antimicrobial peptides. Its genetic adaptability and metabolic versatility also make it valuable for enzyme production, metabolic engineering, and bioremediation, highlighting its role in sustainable health, agriculture, and bioprocessing applications.


1 x 10⁸ CFU per gram / 1 x 10⁹ CFU per gram


Dosage & Application

Wettable Powder: 1 x 10⁸ CFU per gram

  • Soil Application (Soil drench or Drip irrigation): 1 Acre dose: 10-50 Kg, 1 Ha dose: 25-125 Kg

  • Seasonal Crops: First application: At land preparation stage / sowing / planting. Second application: Three weeks after the first application.

  • Soil Application (Soil drench or Drip irrigation) for Long duration crops / Orchards / Perennials: 1 Acre dose: 10-50 kg, 1 Ha dose: 25 - 125 Kg. Apply 2 times in 1 Year. Before onset of monsoon and after monsoon.

  • Seed Dressing: 1 Kg seed: 10 g Lactobacillus plantarum + 10 g crude sugar

Soluble Powder: 1 x 10⁸ CFU per gram 

  • Foliar Application: 1 Acre dose: 1 Kg, 1 Ha dose: 2.5 Kg

  • Soil Application (Soil drench or Drip irrigation): 1 Acre dose: 10-50 Kg, 1 Ha dose: 25-125 KgSeasonal Crops: First application: At land preparation stage / sowing / planting. Second application: Three weeks after the first application.

  • Soil Application (Soil drench or Drip irrigation) for Long duration crops / Orchards / Perennials: 1 Acre dose: 10-50 kg, 1 Ha dose: 25 - 125 Kg. Apply 2 times in 1 Year. Before onset of monsoon and after monsoon.

  • Seed Dressing: 1 Kg seed: 10 g Lactobacillus plantarum + 10 g crude sugar

Seed Dressing Method:

Mix Lactobacillus plantarum with crude sugar in sufficient water to make a slurry and coat seeds. Dry in shade and sow / broadcast / dibble in the field. Do not store treated / coated seeds for more than 24 hours.

Soil Application Method:

  • Mix at recommended doses with compost and apply at early life stages of crop along with other biofertilizers. First application: At land preparation stage / sowing / planting. Second application: Three weeks after the first application.

  • Mix Lactobacillus plantarum at recommended doses in sufficient water and drench soil at early leaf stage / 2-4 leaf stage / early crop life cycle.

  • Drip Irrigation: If there are insoluble particles, filter the solution and add to the drip tank.

  • For long duration crops / Perennial / Orchard crops: Dissolve Lactobacillus plantarum at recommended doses in sufficient water and apply as a drenching spray near the root zone twice a year. It is recommended to have the first application before the onset of the main monsoon / rainfall / spring season and the second application after the main monsoon / rainfall / autumn / fall season.

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